Céline Brassart Olsen: Human rights and menstrual health
05.02.2025 -
Medical Museion Receives Funding from the Carlsberg Foundation for a Podcast on Struensee’s Tooth
27.01.2025 -
Danish Artist Gudrun Hasle Creates Artwork for Medical Museion
27.01.2025 -
Prasansa Subba: How equity and stigma interact with mental health
04.12.2024 -
Join the Student Advisory Board at the School of Global Health!
28.11.2024 -
Rethinking body mass index standards: Addressing hidden nutritional risks across populations
28.10.2024 -
Isaac Weldon: How societal systems shape global health outcomes
23.10.2024 -
Students join forces to tackle climate distress among youth
30.09.2024 -
Natacha Klein Käfer: Health and privacy from a historical perspective
27.09.2024 -
Addressing financing primary health care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
18.09.2024 -
Juliette Nicolaï: Conducting applied research in water, sanitation and hygiene programs in Togo and Kenya
04.09.2024 -
Bridging the gap: Childbirth challenges in Tanzania and beyond
03.09.2024 -
Submit your film to Global Health Film Days
20.08.2024 -
Do you want to organise Global Health Film Days 2025?
20.08.2024 -
Maria Marti Castaner: Preventing mental health challenges among migrants
07.08.2024 -
Health in Greenland - local and global perspectives
12.07.2024 -
Børn med lav fødselsvægt har øget risiko for at blive syge som følge af overvægt
26.06.2024 -
Med en halv milliard i ryggen skal forskere finde afgrøder, der kan klare klimaforandringerne
12.06.2024 -
Nyt forskningscenter stiller skarpt på komplekse sundhedsproblemer
07.06.2024 -
Bolette Frydendahl Larsen: The everyday life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Denmark
29.05.2024 -
Researchers warn: Denmark will drain the Philippines and India of the health care workers they themselves need
01.05.2024 -
Helle Samuelsen: How civil servants promote climate change adaptation in Burkina Faso
01.05.2024 -
Luftforurening i Danmark kan måske påvirke elevers karakterer i grundskolen
22.04.2024 -
Magdalena Bogucewicz: Migrant healthcare in humanitarian contexts
02.04.2024 -
Vægttabsmedicin behøver ikke være livsvarigt. Men det kræver en god træningsrutine
20.02.2024 -
David Nogués Bravo: The global health burden of biodiversity loss
19.02.2024 -
Uge Sex: 6 myter om seksuel sundhed
07.02.2024 -
School of Global Health Celebrates 15 Years of Impact and Innovation
06.02.2024 -
Fødende kvinder overbehandles, og det har store konsekvenser
05.02.2024 -
Henrik Kløverpris: Mechanisms underlying gut immune reconstitution after HIV infection
31.01.2024 -
Covid-19 kan være hårdt for vores organer. Nu skal stor bevilling forebygge alvorlige konsekvenser
26.01.2024 -
Selvmordstruede hjælper hinanden når livet er svært
22.01.2024 -
Jacob Lind: Everyday lives of migrants in vulnerable situations
20.12.2023 -
Unlocking solutions: Students shine in Global Health Case Challenge to combat infodemics
18.12.2023 -
Fører urinvejsinfektion i graviditeten til for tidlig fødsel og lav fødselsvægt?
14.12.2023 -
Leveraging Social Media and Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management Processes in Europe
14.12.2023 -
Hvilken betydning har COP28 for almen praksis?
11.12.2023 -
The influence of cash assistance on the localisation agenda in Kenya’s humanitarian sector
29.11.2023 -
Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar vulnerable to underreported extreme heat would not have occurred without climate change
29.11.2023 -
Ny viden om vægt og sundhed
28.11.2023 -
The patient is always right
27.11.2023 -
Lena Skovgaard Andersen: Mental health challenges of people living with chronic illness
27.11.2023 -
Reflections on the Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023
23.11.2023 -
Ny artikel: Fortællinger om kvinders overgangsalder
13.11.2023 -
SUND-forsker får vigtig anerkendelse for forskning i forebyggelse af hjertesygdomme
02.11.2023 -
Øget risiko for dødfødsel efter infektion med covid-19
01.11.2023 -
Maansi Parpiani: Urban communities in the context of urban floods
01.11.2023 -
Targeting communication in disasters
27.10.2023 -
COPE is on Linkedin!
26.10.2023 -
NEEDS Conference 2023
23.10.2023 -
Forskere kobler årstider og spisevaner
16.10.2023 -
A research agenda for continuity of chronic health care for forcibly displaced persons
04.10.2023 -
2. sæson er af podcasts om medicins etik!
04.10.2023 -
Gør sundhedssystemet raske mennesker syge?
02.10.2023 -
Vladimir Ariza-Montañez: Social disease and humanitarian interventions in Colombia
02.10.2023 -
Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance
29.09.2023 -
Vi står midt i en fedmeepidemi. Her er en mulig forklaring på krisen
25.09.2023 -
University of Copenhagen joins partnership with ACRC
21.09.2023 -
Call for young innovators: Urban Health Case Challenge in Warsaw, Poland
19.09.2023 -
Suchismita Goswami: Disaster-induced resettlement in India
04.09.2023 -
Emergency management in small remote communities in the Nordic countries
29.08.2023 -
Michele di Marco, Disaster Management Alumni part of Design for Healthcare SURGE: A Toolkit for the African Region
28.08.2023 -
Critical questions on learning from the COVID-19 disaster in India
25.08.2023 -
Children born from mothers with malaria have a higher risk of developing diabetes
08.08.2023 -
Moderne sundhedskultur ender ofte i skyld og skam
20.07.2023 -
Ph.d.-studerende på Center for Almen Medicin får rekordhøjt beløb til socialmedicinsk forskningsprojekt
07.07.2023 -
Grøntsager og bælgfrugter kan forebygge hjertesygdomme
29.06.2023 -
Premiere på ny serie af podcasts om medicins etik
16.06.2023 -
Florence Nightingale Medal awarded to Master of Disaster Management alumni
09.06.2023 -
Hvorfor bliver nogle mennesker over 100 år? Svaret findes måske i vores tarmbakterier
31.05.2023 -
Climate Change made heatwave in Asia 30 times more likely
26.05.2023 -
Blev du deprimeret af hormonel prævention? Så har du måske større risiko for fødselsdepression
17.05.2023 -
New affiliated professor in arctic health at University of Copenhagen
16.05.2023 -
Did you miss Global Health Film Days? Watch the panels here
25.04.2023 -
From Danish to international and global health: 10-year anniversary of the MSc in Global Health
25.04.2023 -
Global Health Case Competition 2023 in Atlanta
24.04.2023 -
Skal forskere og sundhedsfaglige fortsat spørge gravide, om de forstår, hvad deres ufødte baby vil?
17.04.2023 -
The global health sector depends on women but favours men
14.04.2023 -
Tre SUND-forskere modtager eftertragtede ERC Advanced Grants
30.03.2023 -
Diagnostisk pakkeforløb: Indledende udredning hos praktiserende læger medfører ikke mere fremskreden tarmkræft
30.03.2023 -
Lena Skovgaard Andersen is the new Director of University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health
17.03.2023 -
Lektor Anne Møller gør coronastatus på DR P1
15.03.2023 -
Hospitalsfødsler kan gøre mere skade end gavn
15.03.2023 -
Håb til gravide kvinder med nyt malariastudie i The Lancet
14.03.2023 -
Risiko for hjerteproblemer får flere til at tage influenzavaccine
13.03.2023 -
Konflikter i hjemmet har betydning for børns helbred
10.03.2023 -
Do rules at folk high schools make sense for young people - What we learned from COVID-19
07.03.2023 -
Læge og forsker kritiserer unuanceret brug af Body Mass Index
07.03.2023 -
Hvorfor har mænd historisk dårlig sæd? Nyt topstudie skal give svar
28.02.2023 -
Screening for livmoderhalskræft er ikke uden risiko
22.02.2023 -
Flere multisyge vil presse sundhedsvæsnet i fremtiden
21.02.2023 -
Sundhedsaktører vil have omdiskuteret gebyr fjernet
13.02.2023 -
Barriers to interdisciplinarity: an early career researchers’ perspective on urban climate governance
13.02.2023 -
Ekstern evaluering af Center for Almen Medicin fremhæver impact og relevans
10.02.2023 -
COPE researchers at the International Roundtable on Urban Risk and Informality
08.02.2023 -
New global health research projects about climate change and health in 2023
01.02.2023 -
Forskning vil stille skarpt på kvinders orgasmer
31.01.2023 -
Disasters, Climate Change and Law: Reflections from the NEEDS conference and COPE stay
24.01.2023 -
What characterises emergency response to slowly developing crises and disasters?
09.01.2023 -
Topforskere fra SUND og Oxford får 180 millioner til forskning i overvægt
14.12.2022 -
Risk and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
07.12.2022 -
Multiple Perspectives, Cultivating Communities: Reflections on the NEEDS 2022 Conference
06.12.2022 -
Obituary: Siri Tellier (2 April 1946 – 19 October 2022)
30.11.2022 -
Improving the efforts to support families in humanitarian crises
29.11.2022 -
Mennesker med Parkinson får lavet flere huller i tænderne og får trukket flere tænder ud
24.11.2022 -
Pushing the Boundaries in Disaster Studies: Reflections from the NEEDS 2022 PhD Workshop
18.11.2022 -
New collaboration between the University College Copenhagen and University of Belize
26.10.2022 -
High temperatures exacerbated by climate change made 2022 Northern Hemisphere droughts more likely
20.10.2022 -
Myths about antibiotics are a much bigger problem than you think
13.10.2022 -
Forældres vægt er afgørende for, om børn bliver overvægtige
12.10.2022 -
Interview with Suchismita Goswami, PhD student at COPE
07.10.2022 -
Climate change likely increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan
06.10.2022 -
Kun omfattende coronanedlukninger har forbedret luftkvaliteten i byerne
06.10.2022 -
Mexicans should consume less ultra-processed products – especially pregnant women
03.10.2022 -
Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience
13.09.2022 -
Global health summer courses: 150 students are ready to tackle future global health challenges
13.09.2022 -
Podcast: The PFAS problem - From Fanø to Flint
02.09.2022 -
New book: Global Health in a Danish Context
31.08.2022 -
Professor vinder hæderspris for 11 år gammelt studie, der er citeret over 2800 gange
17.08.2022 -
Er du over 40 år? Så skal du lave hård styrketræning for at holde kroppen ung
15.07.2022 -
Inadequate access to harm reduction services may cause higher HIV prevalence among women who use drugs in Tanzania
13.07.2022 -
Updated educational resources about innovation in global health
12.07.2022 -
Matematik og datalogi kan gøre os klogere på pandemier. Nu har KU-professor fået en bevilling til at gøre netop det
06.07.2022 -
nở · bro | cultivating science and art in multicultural Nørrebro
20.06.2022 -
Climate Change made devastating early heat in India and Pakistan 30 times more likely
01.06.2022 -
Nedlukningerne bed sig ikke fast i unges mentale helbred
04.04.2022 -
Exploring Ethics: Lessons from COVID-19 and Other Catastrophes
21.03.2022 -
Dit kæledyr kan måske beskytte dit barn mod allergi
07.03.2022 -
Børn af lavtuddannede har større risiko for tidlig død. Nu ved vi måske hvorfor
02.03.2022 -
COPE Annual Highlights 2021
25.02.2022 -
Naja Hulvej Rod blev formet af nysgerrigt idol i USA
21.02.2022 -
The Nordic Pandemic Network gathered to discuss inequity and vulnerability in relation to COVID-19
18.02.2022 -
Når ældre bliver inddraget i deres behandling, kan de få et bedre liv
02.02.2022 -
Overset folkesygdom: Titusinder har problemer på arbejdet
26.01.2022 -
Novo Nordisk Foundation hires Flemming Konradsen as Scientific Director of Global Health
25.01.2022 -
Når mænd bliver skilt eller bor alene, rammer det deres sundhed – mere end for kvinder
13.01.2022 -
New Learnings for New Horizons: Internship Stories from COPE
17.11.2021 -
Exploring the use of social media and crowdsourcing technology in disaster risk governance
16.11.2021 -
Interview with Anne Bach Nielsen, postdoctoral researcher at COPE
01.09.2021 -
New online course: Chronically Ill in an Emergency - Why Mental Health Matters
24.08.2021 -
Understanding the transborder implications of volcanic eruptions using a holistic approach
25.06.2021 -
DMP knowledge base - a consolidated understanding of social media and crowdsourcing in disaster management processes
20.05.2021 -
New project looking to enhance young people’s climate crisis awareness, agency and action in Tanzania
24.02.2021 -
University of Copenhagen is increasing its efforts within global mental health