Home-based training technology for persons with dementia: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators for mobility-based training at home

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Background Physical training is increasingly used in rehabilitation for older people with dementia and several studies have documented positive results. Currently, welfare nations promote motion-based technology (MBT) at home to replace group training in various rehabilitation interventions. Research on the use of MBT by people with dementia is sparse. Therefore, this study explores how people with mild dementia and their relatives experience home-based MBT training in an intervention facilitated by a Danish municipality. Methods The study is part of a feasibility study and builds on participant observation and interviews with people with dementia (n = 4), their relatives (n = 4), and health care workers (n = 3) engaged in the project. Results Participants compared MBT training to group training and found that MBT was not a satisfactory replacement for group training. Some participants used and enjoyed MBT daily while others were challenged by the technology, the placement of the device, or motivation to independently complete the training program. Conclusion MBT is possibly best considered as a supplement to group training, suitable for individuals able to use it in daily life.

TidsskriftBMC Geriatrics
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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