In a unique position or squeezed out? The professional roles of general practitioners in cancer care in general and of young adult cancer patients in particular

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  • B. Hølge-Hazelton
  • I. Christensen
BACKGROUND: Exploring experiences of general practitioners (GPs), regarding roles in cancer care of young adults (YAs). METHODS: Ten qualitative interviews with GPs were theoretically analyzed against professional characteristics. FINDINGS: The GPs tended to make general statements, using everyday language, they experience that their patients disappear, they are seldom involved, and they lack knowledge. CONCLUSIONS: GPs have few experiences with YA cancer patients, but they have a potentially unique role in general primary cancer care if they develop their vocational vocabulary, relate more to relevant theory, and get a clearer vision of the content of the professional aspects of their work
Udgivelsesdato: 2009
TidsskriftJournal of Cancer Education
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)326-330
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2009

Bibliografisk note

DA - 20091019IS - 1543-0154 (Electronic)IS - 0885-8195 (Linking)LA - engPT - Journal ArticlePT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSB - IM

ID: 20172320