MAAH - Medical Anthropology At Home




The future MAAH conference in 2025: to be announced

Previous conferences

  • The 2nd conference was in Tarragona, Spain in 2001. The themes were "The contribution of medical anthropology to anthropology” and “Liturgies and rituals in medicine".

  • The 3rd conference was held in Perugia (Italy) in 2003, on the theme: "Medical Anthropology, Welfare State and Political Engagement".

  • The 4th conference took place in Seili (Finland) in 2006, on the theme: "Coming Home: From biomedicine to everyday health issues".

  • The 5th conference in Sandbjerg (Denmark) in 2008, was on the theme: "Medical anthropology, health care systems and the client society. Investigating interactions of practice, power and science".

  • The 6th conference took place in Royaumont Abbaye (France) in 2010, on the theme: "Transformations of the body and social uses of symptoms between local and global".

  • The 7th in Driebergen (Netherlands) in 2012, was on "New Socialities and Subjectivities in Health Care in the 21st Century".

  • The 8th Conference took place in 2014 in Bologna-Bertinoro (Italy), on the theme: "Assemblages, transformations and the politics of care".

  • The 9th Conference took place in Malangen Brygger, near Tromsø (Norway) in June 2016. The theme was: "Configurations of diagnostic processes, practices and evidence".

  • The 10th Conference took place in Poblet (Spain) in October 2018. The theme was: “Subjectivities and afflictions: agency, health systems and the politics of/for life”.

  • The 11th Conference took place in Austria in October 2021 (from October 7 to October 10). The theme was: “Transfigurations of Uncertainty in Health and Medicine”.

  • The 12th conference was in Warsaw, Poland, in 2023, from November 20th-23rd. The title of the conference was: “At-homeless? The future(s) of medical anthropology “at home”





Medical Anthropology at Home: creating distance, E. van Dongen & S. Fainzang eds, Anthropology and Medicine, Vol 5, n°3, 1998. Anthropology and medicine front page

Health, State and Politics ("Medical Anthropology, Welfare State and Political Engagement" 1), Fainzang S., Schirripa P., Comelles J.M., Van Dongen E. (eds), Roma, Argo, 2009.

Care and Management of Illness and Distress ("Medical Anthropology, Welfare State and Political Engagement" 2), Schirripa P., Fainzang S., Van Dongen E., Comelles J.M. (eds), Roma, Argo, 2009.
The Taste for Knowledge: Medical Anthropology Facing Medical Realities, Fainzang S., Hem H.E, BechRisor M. (eds), Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 20
Of Bodies and Symptoms. Anthropological Perspectives on their Social and Medical Treatment. Fainzang S., Haxaire C. (eds), Tarragona: Publications URV, 2011; in free access on:
Emerging Socialities in 21st Century Health Care, Hadolt B., Hardon A. (eds), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017.
Emerging socialities front page
Diagnostic Fluidity: Working with Uncertainty and Mutability, N. Nissen, M. Bech Risor eds, Tarragona: URV Publicacions, 2018; in free access on:
Assemblages, Transformations, and the Politics of Care, Quaranta I., Minelli M., Fortin S.(eds), Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2018.

Subjectivities and Afflictions in Medical Anthropology. Martínez-Hernáez, Angel & Masana, Lina (eds), Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022


International Scientific Committee

Name Institution
Mette Bech RISOR (scientific coordinator) University of Copenhagen and UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Bernhard HADOLT University of Vienna, Austria
Angel MARTINEZ-HERNAEZ University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
University of Bologna, Italy
University of Warsaw
Sangeeta CHATOO
University of York


Mette Bech Risor
Scientific coordinator


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