Structural changes in the knee during weight loss maintenance after a significant weight loss in obese patients with osteoarthritis: A report of secondary outcome analyses from a randomized controlled trial

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Objective: To compare structural knee joint changes in obese patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) that after an intensive weight loss therapy were randomized to continuous dietetic support, a specialized knee exercise program, or 'no attention' for 1 year. Methods: 192 obese individuals with knee OA underwent an intensive 16-week weight loss program with subsequent randomization to one of the three treatment groups. Changes in cartilage loss, bone marrow lesions (BMLs), synovitis, and effusion were assessed using semi quantitative assessments of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) obtained at weeks 0 and 68 applying the BLOKS score. Results: During the 52 weeks maintenance period the continuous dietary maintenance group support on average gained 1.1kg (95% CI:-0.3:2.5) body mass, the exercise group gained 6.6kg (95% CI 5.4:7.8) and the no-attention group gained 4.8kg (95% CI: 2.9:6.7). There were no statistically significant between-group differences in changes in cartilage loss, synovitis or effusion at the follow-up (analysis of covariance; ANCOVA, P>0.16), while there was an increased number of medial tibiofemoral BMLs in the exercise group (ANCOVA, P=0.015) compared to both diet (difference:-0.21 [95%CI-0.40:-0.03]) and "no attention" (difference:-0.26 [95%CI-0.44:-0.07]) groups. Conclusion: In this 1 year follow-up after weight-loss in obese knee OA patients, we found a potentially increased number of BMLs in the exercise group compared to the diet and no attention groups, with no between-group differences in changes in cartilage loss, synovitis or effusion. These findings should be interpreted with caution for exercise compliance, MRI methodology and follow-up time. ( identifier: NCT00655941).

TidsskriftOsteoarthritis and Cartilage
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)639-646
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - maj 2014
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The study was supported by grants from the Oak Foundation , Velux Foundation ; Cambridge Health and Weight Plan, UK , the Danish Rheumatism Association , AugustinusFonden , the A.P. Møller Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Science , Aase og EjnarDanielsens fond , Bjarne Jensens Fond and Hørslev Fonden .

ID: 319537724