Philip Michael John Wilson

Philip Michael John Wilson


  1. 2018
  2. The effect of universal maternal antenatal iron supplementation on neurodevelopment in offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Jayasinghe, C., Polson, R., van Woerden, H. C. & Wilson, Philip Michael John, 2018, I: BMC Pediatrics. 18, 1, 9 s., 150.

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  3. What GPs mean by 'spirituality' and how they apply this concept with patients: a qualitative study

    Appleby, A., Swinton, J. & Wilson, Philip Michael John, 2018, I: BJGP open. 2, 2, 9 s., 18X101469.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. 2017
  5. Demographic and practice factors predicting repeated non-attendance in primary care: a national retrospective cohort analysis

    Ellis, D. A., McQueenie, R., McConnachie, A., Wilson, Philip Michael John & Williamson, A. E., 2017, I: The Lancet Public Health. 2, 12, s. e551-e559 9 s.

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  6. Development of an interface-focused educational complex intervention

    Sampson, R., MacVicar, R. & Wilson, Philip Michael John, 2017, I: Education for Primary Care. 28, 5, s. 265-273 9 s.

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  7. Differential antibody responses to gliadin-derived indigestible peptides in patients with schizophrenia

    McLean, R. T., Wilson, Philip Michael John, St Clair, D., Mustard, C. J. & Wei, J., 2017, I: Translational Psychiatry. 7, 5, 5 s., e1121.

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  8. GPs - at home with science and the humanities?

    Appleby, A., Swinton, J. & Wilson, Philip Michael John, 2017, I: British Journal of General Practice. 67, 665, s. 571-572 2 s.

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  9. Improving the primary-secondary care interface in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of impact on clinicians of an educational complex intervention

    Sampson, R., MacVicar, R. & Wilson, Philip Michael John, 2017, I: BMJ Open. 7, 6, 8 s., e016593.

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  10. Linking routinely collected social work, education and health data to enable monitoring of the health and health care of school-aged children in state care ('looked after children') in Scotland: a national demonstration project

    Clark, D., King, A., Sharpe, K., Connelly, G., Elliott, L., Macpherson, L. M. D., McMahon, A. D., Milligan, I., Wilson, Philip Michael John, Conway, D. I. & Wood, R., 2017, I: Public Health. 150, s. 101-111 11 s.

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  11. No evidence of whole population mental health impact of the Triple P parenting programme: findings from a routine dataset

    Marryat, L., Thompson, L. & Wilson, Philip Michael John, 2017, I: BMC Pediatrics. 17, 1, 10 s., 40.

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  12. Understanding repeated non-attendance in health services: a pilot analysis of administrative data and full study protocol for a national retrospective cohort

    Williamson, A. E., Ellis, D. A., Wilson, Philip Michael John, McQueenie, R. & McConnachie, A., 2017, I: BMJ Open. 7, 2, 11 s., e014120.

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ID: 177013380