Flemming Konradsen

Flemming Konradsen

Professor, Sektionsleder, Professor

Kommentarer til publikationsliste

Review aktiviteter

Flemming Konradsen reviewed en eller flere research papers for:
International Journal of Epidemiology, British Medical Journal, Tropical Medicine and International Health, Acta Tropica, Lancet, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Journal of Urban Health, Journal of the Total Environment, Social Science and Medicine.

  1. 2022
  2. Udgivet

    Udfrodringer med det globale i det lokale

    Dræbel, Tania, larsen, kristian, Petterson, E. B. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2022, Global sundhed i et dansk perspektiv. København: Djøf Forlag, s. 45-57 13 s.

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  3. 2013
  4. Udgivet

    Water management for disease vector control

    Konradsen, Flemming, van der Hoek, W. & Ensink, J. H. J., 13 maj 2013, Biological and Environmental Control of Disease Vectors. CABI Publishing, s. 162-174 13 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  5. 2010
  6. Udgivet

    Building political commitment for sanitation in a fragmented institutional landscape

    Konradsen, Flemming, van der Hoek, W. & Evans, B., feb. 2010, Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa: A Call for Realism. Konradsen, F., Bjerre, J. & Evans, B. (red.). Copenhagen, Denmark: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, s. 19-22 4 s. (Good Practice Notes).

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  7. Udgivet

    Challenges in supporting hygiene behaviour change

    Vildekilde, Thilde, Evans, B., van der Hoek, W., Peal, A. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2010, Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa : A Call for Realism. Copenhagen, Denmark: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, s. 32-41 9 s. (Good Practice Notes).

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  8. Udgivet

    Farm-based measures for reducing microbiological health risks for consumers from informal wastewater-irrigated agriculture

    Keraita, B., Konradsen, Flemming & Drechsel, P., 2010, Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries. Drechsel, P., Scott, C. A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M. & Bahri, A. (red.). Earthscan, s. 189-207 18 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Harnessing Farmers' knowledge and perceptions for health-risk reduction in wastewater-irrigated agriculture

    Keraita, B., Drechsel, P., Seidu, R., Amerasinghe, P., Cofie, O. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2010, Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating risk in Low-income Countries. Drechsel, P., Scott, C. A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M. & Bahri, A. (red.). London: Earthscan, s. 337-353 16 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Harnessing farmers’ knowledge and perceptions for health-risk reduction in wastewater-irrigated agriculture

    Keraita, B., Drechsel, P., Seidu, R., Amerasinghe, P., Cofie, O. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2010, Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries.. Earthscan, s. 337-354 17 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Hooked on sanitation subsidies

    Evans, B., Bjerre, J., Calopietro, M., Peal, A. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2010, Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa: A Call for Realism. Konradsen, F., Bjerre, J. & Evans, B. (red.). Copenhagen, Denmark: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, s. 24-31 7 s. (Good Practice Notes).

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  12. 2009
  13. Udgivet

    Harnessing farmers' knowledge and perceptions for health-risk reduction in wastewater-irrigated agriculture

    Keraita, B., Drechsel, P., Seidu, R., Amerasinghe, P., Cofie, O. O. & Konradsen, Flemming, 15 dec. 2009, Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Low-income Countries. Earthscan, s. 337-354 18 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  14. 2008
  15. Udgivet

    Mupfure irrigation project, Zimbabwe: HIA of a water resources development

    Konradsen, Flemming, Chimbari, M. & Furu, Peter, 2008, Health impact assessment of sustainable water mangement. Fewtrell, L. & Kay, D. (red.). IWA Publishing, s. 179-198 20 s.

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