Harnessing Farmers' knowledge and perceptions for health-risk reduction in wastewater-irrigated agriculture

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning

This chapter addresses the importance of understanding farmers’ knowledge and
perceptions on health-risk and risk-reduction measures for the development of
mutually acceptable risk-management strategies. Drawing on studies from different
countries, the chapter shows that it is not realistic to expect high risk awareness.
In cases where farmers are aware of health risks, they assess mitigation measures
in view of their overall impact on work efficiency and crop yield rather than only
the potential health benefits to be gained. The chapter asserts that for on-farm
risk-reduction measures to be successful, it is pertinent that farmers’ needs and
constraints are incorporated into the formulation of recommended practices.
This might happen through indigenous processes but can be supported through
farm-based participatory approaches where farmers and scientists work together
in developing risk reduction measures. An important first step is the identification
of mutually accepted problem indicators. Where health benefits for farmers and
consumers are not sufficient reasons for the adoption of safer practices, other
triggers have to be identified as well as appropriate communication channels for
effective outreach.
TitelWastewater Irrigation and Health : Assessing and Mitigating risk in Low-income Countries
RedaktørerPay Drechsel, Christopher A Scott, Liqa Raschid-Sally, Mark Redwood, Akiça Bahri
Antal sider16
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-84407-795-3, 978-1-84407-796-0
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-1-55250-475-8
StatusUdgivet - 2010

ID: 33888785