Sarah Fredsted Villadsen

Sarah Fredsted Villadsen

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

The aim of my research is to address social inequality in health through intervention research. I wish to move beyond exploring whether public health interventions work or not and build knowledge about how, under which circumstances, and for whom interventions create change. My research is based on involvement of the target groups and other stakeholders including collaborations with municipalities and regions and leading basic researchers.

I work with all phases of intervention research including needs assessment, development, feasibility testing, implementation, evaluation and dissemination, long-term anchoring and societal impact. I use mixed-methods design, theory-driven evaluation and combine realist evaluation with effectiveness trials.

Specifically, health in families during the first 1000 days of a child’s life has been the focus. I’m principal investigator in the national MAMAACT trial aiming to reduce ethnic and social inequality in stillbirths and responsible for the evaluation of “The Breastfeeding – a good start together” trial aiming to reduce social inequality in breastfeeding.

ID: 922009