Emmanuel Raju

Emmanuel Raju

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

Member of:


Emmanuel ia currently Director of the Copenhagen Centre for Disaster Research- inter-institutional research center COPE.

He is an Associate Professor at the Global Health section at the Dept. of Public Health. Emmanuel's research interests include disaster risk reduction; disaster recovery; and governance. He also hold an Extraordinary Associate Professor position at the African Centre for Disaster Studies, North-West University, South Africa.

He works on issues of disaster risk creation and reduction, Disasters and Memory; International frameworks on Disasters and is interested in issues of integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. He has conducted research in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, South Africa and Denmark. 

Emmanuel regularly works with the World Weather Attribution working on efforts to disentangle drivers of disasters. He is also a Climate Research Affiliate with the Red Cross Climate Centre since 2023. 

Emmanuel holds a PhD from Lund University, Sweden. His PhD focussed on Disaster Recovery Coordination post-tsunami in India.

Listen to his TedX talk on disasters

Research Projects at University of Copenhagen (Since 2014)

2023-2027: PI on Climate Change Attribution and Vulnerability in Kenya, (10 million DKK; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, FFU)

2023- 2025: Anticipatory Action and Climate Change, (with the Danish Red Cross and Climate Centre as Climate Research Affiliate- 10% time commitment)

2021-2025: PI on the project: Disaster Risk Creation in Urban Resettlement Processes funded by DFF, Denmark. Approx 5.9 million DKK. 

2021- 2025: Young People’s Climate Change Engagement in Tanzania (Y-ENGAGE)- (Co-Investigator) funded by Danida, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

2021- 2022: PROtecting the WELLbeing of MIGRANTS in India during the COVID-19 pandemic (PROWELLMIGRANTS)- (Co-PI), Project funded by DFG, Germany. 

2020-2024: Work Package Leader of the EU Horizon 2020 project "LINKS: Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience", with 16 partners from 7 European countries and Japan. Total budget: €5.2 M.

2020-2022: Learning from Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in India and Chile: A collaborative research agenda- Networking Grant between Research Center for integrated disaster and risk management (CIGIDEN) and the Copenhagen Centre for Disaster Research. (Funding declined due to COVID-19)

2019-2021: Collaborative Project funded by FORMAS Sweden- Global Attribution Models, Mediation and Mobilisation in Sweden and Spain. Lead Institution- Lund University, Sweden 

2016-2018: Responsible for a Work Package with Assoc. Prof Kristian Lauta on an EU project 'Enhancing synergies for disaster prevention in the EU'. 

2017- Disaster Memories, A Study in India

2014-2016: Post-doc on the Changing Disasters Project, University of Copenhagen 


Editorial Experience

Editorial Board, Communications- Earth and Environment, (A Nature Portfolio Journal) (2023- onwards)

Co-Editor, Disaster Prevention and Management, An Emerald Journal

Theme Editor, UCL Open Environment

Member- Editorial Board- Journal of International Humanitarian Action (2018-2021)

Member- Editorial Board for Asia In Focus (a journal for young scholars) from 2014-2017. 

Reviewer- Disasters; Disaster Prevention and Management; Asia in Focus; Culture Inbound; International Journal of Disaster Risk Science; Jamba- Journal of Disaster Risk Studies; Sustainability; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Co-Editor- Special Issue on Disaster Risk Governance (2020)

Emmanuel has been chosen for the Integrated Reasearch on Disaster Risk Young Scientists Programme from July 2017 to 2020. 

Awarded Outstanding Reviewer for 2017 by Disaster Prevention and Management, Elsevier Publications


Emmanuel currently leads 2 core courses  and one elective on the Master of Disaster Management at the University of Copenhagen. 


Introduction to Disaster Risk Management: From Theory to Practice

Disaster Recovery Planning and Development

Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Methods (Field work course in Sri Lanka). 

Emmanuel has been teaching in many countries (Sweden, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Ghana). 


Emmanuel is part of the personnel roster of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) as Disaster Risk Reduction expert and was deployed to Myanmar in 2014-2015. Recently he worked as a DRR expert in Karlstad in Sweden in July 2017. He is engaged as a risk management expert for the LACER project through MSB, funded by EU to enhance disaster related capacities in the ASEAN region. He also on the pool of experts for disasters with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cesent Societies; the Danish Red Cross and Swedish Cross. 


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