10997-D01- Implementation of outcomes-based payment models based on iPDM in a Danish community setting

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This report documents our efforts to develop and implement outcomes-based payment
models based on iPDM in a Danish community setting. We describe the outcomes
defined in our work and the progress made during the EIT funding period. We present a
detailed model of data-infrastructure and health economic financing for the pilot project
PreCare, which was developed in collaboration with Region Zealand and the municipality
of Odsherred. The model merges digitally submitted self-reported data and data from
clinical and administrative data registries at the regional and municipal level in Denmark.
These different data types are used to create an economic payment model, where
remuneration to the clinic is based on an index of selected outcomes measures. We
evaluate progress and discuss barriers, future adjustment needs and scalability issues
for the iPDM based model to other Danish Regions as well as other European countries
and healthcare systems.
Since the iPDM outcomes-based model is implemented in a Danish community setting it is important to
clarify a number of contextual issues in regards to the Danish health system structure, economic steering
mechanisms and current digital data infrastructure. This is done in chapters 4-5. Chapter 6-7 contain the
actual model description including definitions of outcomes, data infrastructure and financial flows. In the
subsequent chapter 8 we discuss barriers, future adjustment needs and scalability issues for the iPDM
based model to other Danish Regions and beyond.
Translated title of the contributionImplementering af en outcome-baseret financieringsmodel baseret på iPDM i Danmark
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages75
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-92356-04-8
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2022

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ID: 289239144