Genomic characterization and epidemiology of an emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant in Delhi, India

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  • Mahesh S. Dhar
  • Robin Marwal
  • V. S. Radhakrishnan
  • Kalaiarasan Ponnusamy
  • Bani Jolly
  • Rahul C. Bhoyar
  • Viren Sardana
  • Salwa Naushin
  • Mercy Rophina
  • Thomas A. Mellan
  • Swapnil Mishra
  • Charles Whittaker
  • Saman Fatihi
  • Meena Datta
  • Priyanka Singh
  • Uma Sharma
  • Rajat Ujjainiya
  • Nitin Bhatheja
  • Mohit Kumar Divakar
  • Manoj K. Singh
  • Mohamed Imran
  • Vigneshwar Senthivel
  • Ranjeet Maurya
  • Neha Jha
  • Priyanka Mehta
  • A. Vivekanand
  • Pooja Sharma
  • V. R. Arvinden
  • Urmila Chaudhary
  • Namita Soni
  • Lipi Thukral
  • Seth Flaxman
  • Rajesh Pandey
  • Debasis Dash
  • Mohammed Faruq
  • Hemlata Lall
  • Hema Gogia
  • Preeti Madan
  • Sanket Kulkarni
  • Himanshu Chauhan
  • Shantanu Sengupta
  • Sandhya Kabra
  • Ravindra K. Gupta
  • Sujeet K. Singh
  • Anurag Agrawal
  • Partha Rakshit

Delhi, the national capital of India, experienced multiple severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreaks in 2020 and reached population seropositivity of >50% by 2021. During April 2021, the city became overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases and fatalities, as a new variant, B.1.617.2 (Delta), replaced B.1.1.7 (Alpha). A Bayesian model explains the growth advantage of Delta through a combination of increased transmissibility and reduced sensitivity to immune responses generated against earlier variants (median estimates: 1.5-fold greater transmissibility and 20% reduction in sensitivity). Seropositivity of an employee and family cohort increased from 42% to 87.5% between March and July 2021, with 27% reinfections, as judged by increased antibody concentration after a previous decline. The likely high transmissibility and partial evasion of immunity by the Delta variant contributed to an overwhelming surge in Delhi.

Udgave nummer6570
Sider (fra-til)995-999
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All rights reserved.

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