Flemming Konradsen

Flemming Konradsen

Professor, Sektionsleder, Professor

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Review aktiviteter

Flemming Konradsen reviewed en eller flere research papers for:
International Journal of Epidemiology, British Medical Journal, Tropical Medicine and International Health, Acta Tropica, Lancet, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Journal of Urban Health, Journal of the Total Environment, Social Science and Medicine.

  1. Udgivet

    Correlation between rainfall and malaria in the dry zone of Sri Lanka

    Hoek, W. V. D., Konradsen, Flemming, Perera, D., Amerasinghe, P. H. & Amerasinghe, F. P., 1997, I: Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 91, 8, s. 945-9 4 s.

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  2. Udgivet

    Cost of malaria control in Sri Lanka

    Konradsen, Flemming, Steele, P., Perera, D., van der Hoek, W., Amerasinghe, P. H. & Amerasinghe, F. P., 1999, I: Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 77, 4, s. 301-9 8 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Cost to government health-care services of treating acute self-poisonings in a rural district in Sri Lanka

    Wickramasinghe, K., Steele, P., Dawson, A., Dharmaratne, D., Gunawardena, A., Senarathna, L., de Siva, D., Wijayaweera, K., Eddleston, M. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2009, I: Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 87, 3, s. 180-5 5 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. Udgivet

    Cost-effectiveness analyses of self-harm strategies aimed at reducing the mortality of pesticide self-poisonings in Sri Lanka: a study protocol

    Madsen, L. B., Eddleston, M., Hansen, K. S., Pearson, M., Agampodi, S., Jayamanne, S. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2015, I: B M J Open. 5, 2, s. 1-9 9 s., e007333.

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  5. Udgivet

    Costing of severe pneumonia in hospitalized infants and children aged 2-36 months, at a secondary and tertiary level hospital of a not-for-profit organization

    Madsen, H. O., Hanehøj, M., Das, A. R., Moses, P. D., Rose, W., Puliyel, M., Konradsen, Flemming, John, K. R. & Bose, A., 2009, I: Tropical Medicine & International Health. 14, 10, s. 1315-22 7 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Current pesticide suicide surveillance methods used across the African continent: a scoping review protocol

    Brassell, M., Karunarathne, A., Utyasheva, L., Eddleston, M., Konradsen, Flemming & Rother, H., 2022, I: BMJ Open. 12, 8, 8 s., 055923.

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  7. Udgivet

    Current status of malaria and anti-malarial drug resistance in Sri Lanka

    Rajakaruna, R. S., Amerasinghe, P. H., Galappaththy, G. N. L., Konradsen, Flemming, Briet, O. J. T. & Alifrangis, Michael, 2008, I: Ceylon Journal of Science. Biological Sciences. 37, 1, s. 15-22

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  8. Udgivet

    Current status of soil-transmitted helminths in Vietnam

    van der Hoek, W., De, N. V., Konradsen, Flemming, Cam, P. D., Hoa, N. T. V., Toan, N. D. & Cong, L. D., 2003, I: Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 34 Suppl 1, s. 1-11 10 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Dengue outbreak investigations in a high-income urban setting, Kaohsiung City in Taiwan, 2003-2009

    Lin, C., Schiøler, Karin Linda, Jepsen, Martin Rudbeck, Ho, C., Li, S. & Konradsen, Flemming, 2012, I: Emerging Infectious Diseases (Print Edition). 18, 10, s. 1603-1611 9 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  10. Udgivet

    Differences in the characteristics of people who purchase pesticides from shops for self-harm versus those who use pesticides available in the domestic environment in Sri Lanka

    Weerasinghe, M., Jobe, L., Konradsen, Flemming, Eddleston, M., Pearson, M., Jayamanne, S., Hawton, K., Gunnell, D. & Agampodi, S., 2023, I: Tropical Medicine and International Health. 28, 12, s. 901-911 11 s.

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