Camilla Stine Øverup

Camilla Stine Øverup


  1. 2021
  2. Udgivet

    A Social Relations Model of need supportiveness

    Øverup, Camilla Stine, Brunson, J. A. & Mehta, P. D., 2021, I: Journal of Research in Personality. 94, 10 s., 104142.

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  3. Udgivet

    Appearance Satisfaction as a Predictor of Specific Sexual Problems and Associated Distress

    Øverup, Camilla Stine, Strizzi, Jenna Marie, Cipric, Ana, Træen, B. & Hald, Gert Martin, 2021, I: Journal of Sexual Medicine. 18, 9, s. 1532-1544 13 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Does One Size Fit All? Demographic- and Socioeconomic Predictors of the Effectiveness of a Post-divorce Digital Intervention on Stress.

    Cipric, Ana, Stulhofer, A., Øverup, Camilla Stine, Strizzi, Jenna Marie, Sander, S. & Hald, Gert Martin, 2021, 20th Annual Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Brno, Czech Republic..

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  5. Udgivet

    Does One Size Fit All? Socioeconomic Moderators of Post-divorce Health and the Effects of a Post-divorce Digital Intervention.

    Cipric, Ana, Štulhofer, A., Øverup, Camilla Stine, Strizzi, Jenna Marie, Lange, Theis, Sander, S. & Hald, Gert Martin, 2021, I: Psychosocial Intervention. s. 163-173 10 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Examining gender effects in postdivorce adjustment trajectories over the first year after divorce in Denmark

    Strizzi, Jenna Marie, Koert, Emily Christina, Øverup, Camilla Stine, Cipric, Ana, Sander, S., Lange, Theis, Schmidt, Lone & Hald, Gert Martin, 2021, I: Journal of Family Psychology. 36, 2, s. 268–279

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  7. Udgivet

    In It Together: A couple-based intervention for sensory loss among older individuals. In C. S. Øverup (chair), Interventions through the Relationship Life Cycle: Lessons Learned from Denmark.

    Øverup, Camilla Stine, Lehane, C. M. & Hald, Gert Martin, 2021, Symposium to be presented at the 2020 Biannual Meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research, London, England. Meeting postponed due to COVID-19 - the symposium will be presented on September 9th, 2021..

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  8. Udgivet

    The Future of Digital Help in Divorce: Is ”digital” enough in the Presence of Divorce Conflict?

    Cipric, Ana, Hald, Gert Martin, Strizzi, Jenna Marie, Øverup, Camilla Stine, Lange, Theis & Sander, S., 2021, 19th Annual Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Online..

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