Camilla Stine Øverup

Camilla Stine Øverup


  1. 2016
  2. Self-presentation as a function of perceived closeness and trust with romantic partners, friends, and acquaintances

    Øverup, Camilla Stine & Neighbors, C., 1 nov. 2016, I: Journal of Social Psychology. 156, 6, s. 630-647 18 s.

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  3. Distress intolerance during smoking cessation treatment

    Farris, S. G., Leyro, T. M., Allan, N. P., Øverup, Camilla Stine, Schmidt, N. B. & Zvolensky, M. J., 1 okt. 2016, I: Behaviour Research and Therapy. 85, s. 33-42 10 s.

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  4. Communication with former romantic partners and current relationship outcomes among college students

    Rodriguez, L. M., Øverup, Camilla Stine, Wickham, R. E., Knee, C. R. & Amspoker, A. B., 1 sep. 2016, I: Personal Relationships. 23, 3, s. 409-424 16 s.

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  5. A social relations examination of neuroticism and emotional support

    Brunson, J. A., Øverup, Camilla Stine & Mehta, P. D., 1 aug. 2016, I: Journal of Research in Personality. 63, s. 67-71 5 s.

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  6. Love online: How relationship awareness on Facebook relates to relationship quality among college students

    Steers, M. L. N., Øverup, Camilla Stine, Brunson, J. A. & Acitelli, L. K., jul. 2016, I: Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 5, 3, s. 203-216 14 s.

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  7. Associations between anxiety sensitivity, negative affect, and smoking during a self-guided smoking cessation attempt

    Langdon, K. J., Farris, S. G., Øverup, Camilla Stine & Zvolensky, M. J., 1 maj 2016, I: Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 18, 5, s. 1188-1195 8 s., ntv144.

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  8. 2015
  9. Presenting Different Selves to Different People: Self-Presentation as a Function of Relationship Type and Contingent Self-Esteem

    Øverup, Camilla Stine, Brunson, J. A. & Acitelli, L. K., 2 okt. 2015, I: Journal of General Psychology. 142, 4, s. 213-237 25 s.

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  10. Drowning the pain: Intimate partner violence and drinking to cope prospectively predict problem drinking

    Øverup, Camilla Stine, DiBello, A. M., Brunson, J. A., Acitelli, L. K. & Neighbors, C., 1 feb. 2015, I: Addictive Behaviors. 41, s. 152-161 10 s.

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  11. 2014
  12. Removing the Ego: Need Fulfillment, Self-Image Goals, and Self-Presentation

    Hadden, B. W., Øverup, Camilla Stine & Knee, C. R., maj 2014, I: Self and Identity. 13, 3, s. 274-293 20 s.

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  13. Good intentions gone awry? Effects of weight-related social control on health and well-being

    Brunson, J. A., Øverup, Camilla Stine, Nguyen, M. L., Novak, S. A. & Smith, C. V., jan. 2014, I: Body Image. 11, 1, s. 1-10 10 s.

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