Henrik Clausen

Henrik Clausen


Medlem af:

    Technical barriers have left the glycomics field under-explored with a huge potential for discovery and biomedical applications. We are developing novel enabling technologies to overcome these barriers using a genetic approach to glycomics. Our unique strategies to glycomics are based on a genetic entry point and designed for open-ended and opportunistic Ome-wide discovery. The grand idea is to transform glycosciences from a field largely only approachable to specialists into a mainstream “Omics” field approachable to non-specialists with an ease comparable to the genome and proteome fields today. Our specific discovery programs GlycoDisplay, GlycoCRISPR, GlycoDesign, and GlycoView are developing unique reagents, tools and community resources that will help bring glycosciences into a new phase where studying the biology of glycans becomes as intuitive as building with “Lego”.

    Primære forskningsområder

    Henrik Clausen forsker i de sukkerstoffer der beklæder alle proteiner i naturen. Han har viden om og deltaget i udviklingen af den proces, der kan omdanne blodtyperne A, B og AB til blodtype O. Henrik Clausen har desuden viden om biomarkører for cancer, cancer-associerede kulhydrater og mikroarrays. Han leder Copenhagen Center for Glycomics, der udvikler et stort glykopeptid-bibliotek, repræsenterende cancer-associerede glykoformer af membrane glykoprotiner, som vil blive printet på mikroarray slides og anvendt til at påvise antistoffer mod cancer-antigener hos cancer patienter. Målet er at identificere autoantistof signaturer som sensitive og specifikke markører for cancer.

    Aktuel forskning

    Lundbeck Foundation funded program (2017-19) to develop an innovative cell-based platform to display all human glycans individually in an arrayable format. Such a library of genetically engineered cells with different glycans will enable high throughput screening and discovery of glycan functions in the natural context of the cell. The glycan cell library is sustainable and addressable by any multiplex assay format.

    ID: 3923